Thursday, June 18, 2015

The dog

There's a dog that lives around the corner from us.

I hate that dog.  It yips at night when it's owner is out - which is pretty often.

Last summer I went over to the owner's house a few times.  Once was to talk to her about her yippy dog; once was to drop off a letter informing her that her yippy dog was still yipping and disturbing our (well, my - but "our" sounded stronger) sleep; and once to slightly unscrew her porch light so that it would go off.  I thought that maybe it was keeping Yippy awake.  It wasn't.

Anyway, I sort of forgot about Yippy during the winter, with windows closed and all, but then last night, there he was.

As I was feeling the return of my wrath, I remembered a moment from last summer.  My spouse and I lay in bed listening to Yippy yip, and she said, "I feel so sorry for that dog."

Mind blown.  Really?  I just hate the dog.  It never occurred to me to consider its poor little agitated soul barking out its angst for hours on end to deaf ears and darkness (after I unscrewed the porch light, that is).

Life lesson: Marry someone more compassionate than you if you possibly can.  Otherwise you might just end up a lonely and grumpy dog hater.

1 comment:

  1. Goes to show that dogs can be amazing teachers. My furry friend's slowness was annoying me. She kept stopping to sniff as if nothing was more pressing and our destination didn't matter. Now that I'm following her lead to smell every flower we pass, my days are rosier.
