Friday, June 19, 2015

Thank you!

Lately I've noticed that people are doing things for me and I'm not necessarily reciprocating.  In fact, forget the "necessarily."  I'm not reciprocating at all.

Here are some examples:

* A friend bought me a big travel cup for water WITH an infuser basket inside.
* A friend brought me breakfast at work.
* A friend brought me lunch at work.

This was all the same person, by the way.  She just happens to be that amazing.  But I do have other examples:

* A friend made me chicken soup - like an entire pot!
* A friend came over and helped me prepare my orientation sessions for the summer educators whom I'll be supervising at Brandeis.

(Both the same person here, too.  What can I say?  I have great friends.)  More:

* A friend schlepped to Waltham from Cambridge (not as easy as it sounds) on multiple Saturdays just to hang out with me.
* A friend's son (who is also my friend) says prayers for me as he does his Japanese calligraphy practice.

* A friend brought me a beautiful carnation plant.

* A friend's grandmother prays for me.  (She's Catholic, so I've got that base covered, too.)

So, as I was saying, I haven't done much of anything lately for any of these folks.  And I find myself being fine with that.  And they all seem super happy just giving.  Unless, of course, they've formed a secret society to talk about my lack of reciprocation. But I doubt it.

1 comment:

  1. Once again with a few words you've widened out what we (the big, human "we") can be to each other - this time in friendship. I love your blog. (Talk about a gift.)
