Friday, January 1, 2016

A little thought about 2016

Happy 2016!

I must admit that I'm feeling pretty hopeful for the coming year. When my daughter was younger she had a birthday party and I bought a numerology book for fun. Each of her guests would tell me her birthday, and I would tell them about themselves based on the numerological analysis of the date. I put about as much stock in that as I do in astrology, but I still think about it sometimes. This morning, for example, I was wondering if 2016 would be the year that I die. "Well," I thought, "2+0+1+6=9. Nine just doesn't feel like the number for me." It makes no sense at all, but I took some comfort in the idea that 2016 didn't feel like the year of my death.

So there's that.


  1. well.... so much for saying it the way it is! well... how about some philosophy on the number 9? If I add mine to yours, we end up with 18... well... and you know what that means.

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  3. I haven't commented before but I've read all your entries and want you to know that you are in my thoughts a lot. Funny thing is I was thinking about 2016 also, that it was a "9" and what that meant. I also was thinking that 1/1/16 is a "9" as well (and that 2015 and 1/1/15 are "8"s and so on). I had no idea that anyone else thought about these things and so I conclude that we are kindred spirits. I am wishing all the best for you in 2016 and beyond. Sending love...

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  5. How wonderful to be send to those who read your words that positive feeling of hope..I'll try to carry that spirit with you as this day begins. yours jackie

  6. Gina, I read your writings with awe--how you manage to find the essential and to express it through language, over and over. With love and gratitude, Hilary
